Monday, February 13, 2012

Chandell 897 wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day

There are several reasons why I absolutely adore my roommates. Aside from Lindsey's ability to lighten up any situation with her Russian accent, Katie's constant optimism, and Bridget's weird middle of the night exercise routines, there is one thing I really love about these girls.

Remember how you used to plan matching days with your best friend in elementary school and you thought it was the coolest thing ever? Well, we still do that, and we still think it's the coolest thing ever. Every once in a while we have a matching day at church.

This week, in honor of Valentine's Day...Black and pink (floral). I put floral in parenthesis because Katie left for church before the rest of us did and only got the black and pink memo. We love her nonetheless. Naturally, we needed to take pictures of the occasion. The following is what ensued...
Photo cred: Kai Pedersen--This was mostly your fault.


Lindsey strikes her Lindsey pose.

And it all went downhill from there...


Peace and blessings,
The (perfectly normal) Residents of Chandell 897

Monday, February 6, 2012

A few thoughts

Since I don't have many blog-worthy things in my life right now to blog about, here are a few thoughts I had throughout the day today that someone somewhere might take some interest in:

1. Library PDA is never ok.

2. Wheat thins dipped in crunchy peanut butter don't taste half bad.

3. Parents really appreciate a nice text every once in a while telling them how grateful you are for all they do for you. Shout out to Mom and Dad: Thanks for putting up with me and being awesome! Love you guys!

4. Attempting to do a core workout when you haven't vacuumed in a while is not a good idea.

5. As much as I think I can effectively study at home, I am much better off going to the library, where I am forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair. If I sit on my coma-inducing couch at home, it usually results in exactly what you would expect from a coma-inducing couch.

6. I REALLY want a pair of cat's eye sunglasses.

7. Wow, energy really IS always conserved (thank you physics 108 lab!)

8. I watched a skit on youtube of this guy doing magic tricks and he sawed someone in half. It made me think about how Katie and I still need to learn some cool party tricks since we still can't tektonic after several valiant tries.

9. My dreams really are symbolic and I interpret them for my roommates on a daily basis. This isn't really a thought, but more of a fun fact about Melissa Gunner. I like to talk about my dreams. I'm that girl.

10. Why do I constantly stay up late when there is absolutely no reason to and I know I have to get up early the next morning? Oh yeah, because I'm doing useless things like blogging.