Since I don't have many blog-worthy things in my life right now to blog about, here are a few thoughts I had throughout the day today that someone somewhere might take some interest in:
1. Library PDA is never ok.
2. Wheat thins dipped in crunchy peanut butter don't taste half bad.
3. Parents really appreciate a nice text every once in a while telling them how grateful you are for all they do for you. Shout out to Mom and Dad: Thanks for putting up with me and being awesome! Love you guys!
4. Attempting to do a core workout when you haven't vacuumed in a while is not a good idea.
5. As much as I think I can effectively study at home, I am much better off going to the library, where I am forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair. If I sit on my coma-inducing couch at home, it usually results in exactly what you would expect from a coma-inducing couch.
6. I REALLY want a pair of cat's eye sunglasses.
7. Wow, energy really IS always conserved (thank you physics 108 lab!)
8. I watched a skit on youtube of this guy doing magic tricks and he sawed someone in half. It made me think about how Katie and I still need to learn some cool party tricks since we still can't tektonic after several valiant tries.
9. My dreams really are symbolic and I interpret them for my roommates on a daily basis. This isn't really a thought, but more of a fun fact about Melissa Gunner. I like to talk about my dreams. I'm that girl.
10. Why do I constantly stay up late when there is absolutely no reason to and I know I have to get up early the next morning? Oh yeah, because I'm doing useless things like blogging.