Monday, March 5, 2012

What happens in Vegas...

If there is one thing I love about being young, it is the ability to be spontaneous.

Here's what I mean. Thursday night I found out about a Vegas trip that would be happening from Friday to Sunday. Of course I wanted to go! But naturally, I had a molecular biology test that I hadn't really begun studying for because I figured I could take the test on Saturday, which is the last day it was available (I know, I'm a procrastinator...sue me.) Anyway, I decided to study really hard all of Thursday night and then try to take my test Friday morning before my friends were going to leave. I didn't really think I would be able to pull it off, but I managed to get an 84% on my test (which is a miracle for molecular biology in my case!) AND I was packed and ready to go to Vegas that afternoon! We headed out in Jesse's mom's minivan and arrived in Vegas at around 9 Friday night.
And as most people know, in Vegas, that meant the night was young!

We hit the strip where we found some old friends...

Barney and Baby Bop!

We had THE BEST hot chocolate I've ever had at Serendipity

This was taken on our way back to the hotel Friday night.
This picture is really funny for two reasons:
1. There is a banana on the windshield. Why was it there you ask? Greg decided to throw it out the window up onto the windshield and see how long it would take Jesse (the driver) to notice.
2. It reminds me how long it took him to notice and how mad he was because he didn't know what we were all laughing at. In Jesse's defense, it was sort of hidden behind the rear view mirror.

Friday night...the boys loved getting cozy.

Saturday we decided to go to the top of the Stratosphere (since we were staying there and all) and we went on one of the rides, where we took my favorite picture of the entire trip.

Here is an explanation of how the following picture came into being: the ride attendants told everyone to keep their heads back against the headrest. I was nervous, so naturally I did as I was told. The boys were still laughing and joking around as the ride took off, and because they didn't have their heads against the seat, they were struggling. This picture was snapped pretty much immediately after the ride shot us upward...

Andrew (far left), Jesse (next to left), and Greg (far right), maybe you will listen to the ride attendants next time. Jesse is my favorite because he looks like he is about to puke. Notice how, although I look terrified, I look fairly comfortable at least.

Saturday night we went to support BYU at the WCC tournament. We watched the Cougars get mauled by Gonzaga, so unfortunately that wasn't a highlight of the trip.

Saturday night it was back to the strip! This is Abby and I in front of the sparkly horse in the lobby of the Bellagio.

And of course, what is a trip to Las Vegas without a last minute wedding?

Sunday we left the 70 degree weather in Vegas to return to 40 degree weather in Provo. Las Vegas, I miss you already.

When I make it to Moab

I have been seriously lagging when it comes to my blog, so I apologize. BUT, this is going to be a two-entry day to make up for it, so get excited!!

A few weekends ago, for President's Day weekend, a few friends and I went out to Moab in southern Utah. My friend Ryan (pictured below) and his family had a vacation planned, and as he has just a younger sister who lives at home now, his parents wanted some more rowdy young adults to liven up the trip...So naturally they told him to invite some friends! And invite them he did.

All of the pictures below were taken at Arches National Park near Moab, Utah.

Ryan with the structure that we nicknamed "The Three Wisemen."

Jake the hippie/mountain man.

Nick Jones reppin' the 90's.

Edward, being himself.

Jake clinging for his life to the edge of the cliff.

You guys are my top dudes.

My dear Katie and I in front of "Delicate Arch" (the one featured on the Utah license plate)

Jake meditating on a cliff...typical

I have nothing to say about this one...except for that I love it.

This is what happens when you ask Jake to take a picture for you.

Derek died and came back to life along the way.

Jake, please always wear your shirt unbuttoned that way.

Katie and I bringing back the sweatshirt tied around the waist look.


"Are you MAN enough?"

Katie, Ed, and I in front of "Landscape Arch"
Trying to get warm after the sun started going down.
Yes, that is Jake biting Ryan. NBD.

Nick, Jake, Sarah, and me in front of some cool rocks.

The gang in front of "Landscape Arch."

If you can see the gorilla or the crocodile head amongst these rocks, you are my best friend.

Some more rocks and stuff

Anyway, the trip was really great, and the theme song for the few days we were there was "Moab" by Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley band. It's a good one, go have a listen.

We spent the rest of our time when we weren't hiking playing signs (kudos to Sarah for having the best one...the Tebow) and Uno, eating fatty Mexican burritos, stuffing ourselves on Ryan's family's cooking, and cramming 9 of us into one tiny hot tub. Overall, a great weekend away from Provo with some great friends. LOVE YOU ALL!