Well guys, I've almost made it through my first semester of PT school. Only two more weeks of actual classroom work and then finals!
This week is the first week of clinicals, which is great for many reasons. First off, we do not have to be sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day! Yahoo!
And second, this week has been relatively laid back compared to classroom weeks because we have no homework or quizzes! Double yahoo!
To celebrate, I would like to share some of my highs and lows* over the past month or so.
*Shout out to my old dinner group. Long live Elms D-313 and Chandell 897!
High: Visiting the LDS temple in Raleigh
Low: realizing how awkward I get when placed in front of a camera
(I mean, at least my hair looks good... am I right?)
High: Getting together for dinner with friends
Low: Devouring approximately 2500 calories and who knows how many grams of trans fats in one sitting. #noregrets #actuallysomeregrets
High: Visiting the state fair with some of my kewl classmates
Low: Realizing that those pictures ^^ are the only ones of the night where I am not making a duck face and/or throwing up (double) deuces. Yikes.
(Seriously, Melissa. You are 23 years old.)
Low: My mom seeing this pic ^^ and saying "I can't believe you wore overalls in public."
And maybe I liked it, ok?
High: Tailgating for Duke football games
Double high: Getting to the game and realizing that other people care about Duke football about as much as (or maybe even less than) I care about football in general.
(Although I will say my football knowledge has increased vastly since my I started a very serious relationship with Tim Riggins via Netflix. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS YOU GUYZ)
Low: Studying for my second anatomy midterm by drawing multiple pictures like this
High: Acing it
High: Coming up with the awesome idea to carve this into my pumpkin.
Low: That moment when I realized nobody in my class knew what the Deathly Hallows are and suddenly I felt like the weird nerdy kid who plays Dungeons & Dragons or something.
But let's be real here... Harry Potter is cool. I will stand by that forever.
High: Seeing so many good friends in DC for Halloween
Low: Donning a unibrow for my costume.
Double Low: Ending up at a YSA dance party and being strangely attracted to Jesus (who was also the DJ...)
But really, just imagine how that hair most look in a man bun.
High: Visiting Shenandoah National Park with these gals.
Low: Getting to the part of the park where we actually planned to hike and seeing this:
(Despite the horrific fog, freezing rain, and the fact that the trees were definitely all dead, we had a great time)
High: MEXICAN FOOD with my team!
Low: Realizing that this sign ^^ is false advertising.
Deep frying a mediocre burrito only makes it slightly less mediocre.
(I've got all my meals planned out for Christmas break. You can find me at A's, Pedros, Albertacos, Taco Mesa or In N Out between December 17th and January 3rd).
High: Attending my first Duke basketball game!
Low: Having some guy in a hot pink YOLO hat and Vineyard Vines pants refer to me as "bro" and yell at me for bringing a small purse to the game. Apparently you aren't allowed to have any bags in Cameron.
But seriously, this is so embarrassing for you.
Ultimate Low: Getting on YouTube to see that "U + Ur Hand" by P!nk was on my Recommended Videos. Yikes.