Recently, two of my roommates have started blogs. Plus I've been blog-stalking a lot lately, and there are tons of great blogs out there. I really thought it was time I started one myself.
I'm not nearly as creative as the people who write most of the cute blogs I read are, but I'm going to give this a shot. I figure if no one else reads it, I will get a kick out of it in years to come. Plus, as my roommate Katie put it, "We usually do pretty fun stuff, so at least we could put up pictures of that!"
"Hibernation is over," I read on posters across campus throughout the entire day yesterday. Just what were they referring to? BYU BASKETBALL. The first game was last night, and like a true cougar fan, I was there an hour early with a few friends. Because we are such loyal fans, we were rewarded with free t-shirts and pom poms to wave during the game. I may have snagged a few extra t-shirts...get excited for Christmas, family! We played BYU-Hawaii and smoked them. It was strange to root against another BYU school (I remember my friend Ed yelling, "You're LDS, we like you too!" at one of the Hawaii players when other people were booing him).
Here we are sporting our free t-shirts in the Marriott Center. We finished up the night by getting Yogurtland,which came to Provo last year and has been the highlight of the city ever since, and then heading back to the apartment, where we had a bomb massage train going for a while. Basically, this group is my family away from home, and we're all a little too comfortable around each other. Enough said.
Life is going well here in Provo. My only complaints at the moment are the broken heater in both our apartment and my car, and the fact that Thanksgiving just won't come soon enough. That's all for now. Peace and blessings, peace and blessings.
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