Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Second Annual Classy Christmas Party

 Dear friends, it's that time of year again.  The BEST time of year.  The time of year when finals are OVER and I get to escape the bitter cold of Utah and come home to warm, sunny California (well...relatively warm as of right now).  The time of year when we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior and reflect on the blessings the Lord has granted us.

For those of you who know us (my roommates and me) at all, you know that we LOVE to throw parties.  And even more than throwing parties, we LOVE to dress up. So last year, we held the first "Classy Christmas Party," an event celebrating Christmas with food, drinks and classy attire (see here).  In our apartment, Gossip Girl is a guilty pleasure, so we modeled our party after the extravagant events common to the Upper East Side lifestyle.  While we don't share the opulent wealth of the Upper East Siders, I would have to say we could give them a run for their money in the "class" department (we would probably win out on this actually because we don't sleep around, embezzle funds, or allow others to ever see us utterly wasted...or even GET utterly wasted for that matter).

In the traditional Classy Christmas Party spirit, we invited friends to dress to the nines and join us at the Pitcher Residence in Park City for a night of delicious food and good company.

 I don't even know these guys...but they were looking dapper.

 Da crew. Lo stealing the spotlight like always. Ry and I were pretty upset about it.

Happy people 

Yes, Boon was there. And yes, he was in a classy sweater. And yes, he did change his outfit halfway through the party.

 Looking like a fool, but loving my girls.

 Brad is probably talking about his spin class again...

 Oops, plastic bowls for soup.

 My sister roommates are the cutest.

I would consider the second annual CCP a success.  Hopefully we can carry on the tradition next year, but until then...

Chandell 897 wishes you a very merry, sassy, classy Christmas!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twenty-Six Point Two

So I finally did it.  Just a few weeks ago I completed my first marathon in St. George, Utah!  As a lot of you probably already know, I began training in June and ran five days a week up until October 6th (well...once school started I'll admit I slacked quite a bit. But before that I was dang faithful to my training schedule)

My mom and brother, Kellen, signed up to run it as well as my dear friend Abby.  Kellen and Mom did all their training in California, while Abby and I trained together out here in Utah.  We did several long runs together on Saturdays, included a 20 miler and a few weeks before the race a 22 miler.  These runs were a little discouraging, as both Abby and I had a difficult time choking down Gu (it's like a straight up energy shot that is literally the texture of mucous and tastes nearly as bad) and we both hurt pretty bad near the end of them.

Friday October 5th (The Day Before Race Day)

The week leading up to the marathon, I didn't even have time to think about race day at all because I had two tests to take and absolutely no time to study for either of them.  I cranked out a kinesiology and biomechanics test Friday afternoon and headed back to my apartment to throw some stuff in a suitcase and get on the road.  Here's what greeted me at home:

 My roommates really do love me sometimes...


I finally shipped out for St. George around 4pm.  I made it to the expo just in time to pick up my packet before they about stressful.

I meet up with Abby for a few minutes.  It was just long enough for her to tell me that at a race seminar she had attended earlier that day, they had said that out of 7,000 people who sign up for the race, only 6,000 finish. For those of you who are bad with math, that means 1 out of every 7 DO NOT FINISH.  I knew way more than 7 people running the marathon. Who was going to be the one that didn't finish? I prayed it wouldn't be me.

Couldn't sleep. Luckily, by some miracle BYU beat Utah State in football so I had something to sort of distract me.

Saturday October 6th (Race Day)

4am- Woke up, said a prayer, threw on my outfit (I had laid it out the night before...yes I do these things even when it comes to running clothes), grabbed a half a bagel, shipped out.

5:30am- Boarded the bus that would take us to the starting line.  The bus took the EXACT route that we would be running, only we drove it backwards. It took us FORTY MINUTES. Yeah, think about the last time you drove on a highway for forty minutes and how far you traveled. Then think about running that. Those are the exact thoughts that were going through my head.

6:15-6:45am- Tried to stay warm and think happy thoughts and go pee as many times as possible.

6:45am- Start time. We were waaaaaaay back at the starting line so I didn't cross the actual starting line until about 6:56am.

We will now shift to miles.

Miles 1-3

Trying to dodge around the slow people and get a normal pace going.  Stressing out at every mile marker because I was behind pace if I wanted to qualify for Boston. I needed about an 8:12 pace and the first two miles were both over 9 minutes.  Desperately trying to get ahead of the clueless people who didn't budge when I tried to pass them.

Miles 4-8

Got up to a more normal pace. Choked down some Gu Chomps (the somewhat more edible fruit snack version of Gu).

Miles 9-11

Met a really nice girl that was at about my same pace.  Can't remember her name but we talked for a good twenty minutes or so about her kids and my school and stuff.  Then we hit a hill at mile 11 and she slowed down so we parted ways.

Miles 12-13

Only thinking about the half-way point. Did I still really have 13 miles to go?

Miles 14-15 

Searching desperately for my dad. He swore he would be there right around this point.  I saw a bunch of people at mile 14 but no Dad. I thought he had missed me but then a mile later around the 15-mile mark, there he was, with my sister-in-law Olivia and her parents.  Seeing all of them was just the boost I needed. He managed to snap some winners of pictures.

 My sister-in-law, Olivia, and her parents (and her dog child, Luna).

 Had to post it. It was the only one he got at mile 15. In my defense, I was chewing on some ice. But let's be honest, most people would look this bad after running 15 miles too.

 Olivia offering my brother (in the red) some pizza. He's disgusting and only talks about eating food the entire time we run because he gets hungry along the way. He carried a few cookies in his fanny pack.

 Kellen at mile 15.

Miles 16-20

Mental game. The longest stretch. Ate lots of oranges and a few more Chomps.  Started stopping at every water station because it was an excuse to walk from where the cup was handed to me to the trash can.

Miles 21-22

Did some more self-motivation talk. Reached the mouth of the canyon and entered the city of St. George.  Saw Abby's mom and our friends Lexi and Greg. Seeing some more familiar faces seriously made me burst into tears!  At this point, I was drained, but knew I could finish. Four miles was nothing.

Miles 23-25

The street was lined with people cheering.  Such good motivation!  I passed a few bands playing and read some really funny signs.  Actually, there were some pretty good signs throughout the whole race.  I remember one said something like "Marathoners don't die, they just smell like they did."

Mile Marker 25.2

ONLY ONE MILE TO GO! I picked up my pace a bit.

Mile 26

Saw my dad one more time.  He ran out into the street and stuck the camera in my face and yelled, "GO BUG (his nickname for me)! IT'S RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, YOU CAN DO IT! Here's the picture he managed to snap:

I burst into tears again.  I rounded the corner and there was the finish!  I must say, I have a pretty gnarly kick, and I was able to pass 2 or 3 people as I was sprinting into the finish.  I ran across the finish line and was just a bawling mess. They gave me my sweet medal and I checked my watch.

I had qualified for Boston!  I needed to beat 3 hours and 35 minutes, and I had killed it by over 10 minutes.  I could have laid down and cried. Well, I did cry, but I managed to stay standing.  I continued walking through the runner's chute to the finisher's area, where I found freaking ICE CREAM SANDWICHES and POPSICLES waiting for me.  Best. Thing. Ever.

After composing myself with some emotional eating, I walked back along the course to where my dad was standing so I could cheer Abby, Mom and Kellen into the finish.  We were all among the 6,000 who made it.  

My family likes to wear bright colors...

 My friends like to wear black. #malibubarbie

Love this crazy lady and all the ridiculous moments we had while training together.
Can't wait for the next one!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Party at Pitcher Manor

Friday night was about the most fun any BYU student could hope for.  My roommate, Jessi, is from Park City and her family has an awesome house up in the mountains.  They are some of the most warm and welcoming people and always invite us to come up and enjoy their house for overnight trips and whatnot.

We were going to do a real camp out this weekend, but the planning kind of failed, so we decided to do the next best thing: a camp out in Jessi's backyard in the beautiful mountains of Park City.

We had the best time!

When we got there Friday night, we made some s'mores and roasted Starbursts (if you haven't tried it, you HAVE's the best thing ever)
Then we were going to play the name game, a Provo favorite.  That is, we were GOING to play, until we discovered Jessi's HUGE storage closet full of costumes.  We decided to play dress up instead.  And yes, the boys were in on it.  I think they were actually the ones who decided we should do it!  

Some pics of the madness that ensued:

 How Clay squeezed himself into this tiny cowboy costume... I will never know


 Not all...

 "I'm a mouse...duh"

As you can see, most of the costumes were pretty rad.  The Pitchers take Halloween pretty seriously apparently.

Then we headed out to the backyard to sleep under the stars.  It was a fabulous experience.  Pretty stinking cold, but we had warm sleeping bags and snuggled up to one another.

The next morning, we went for a hike in the mountains surrounding Jessi's house.

I dressed for the occasion: Ecuador grunge band, running shorts with innumerable butt pockets, and socks and sandals.  Just doing what I do best.

It was gorgeous!  All the leaves were changing color (all that red on the far mountains are trees!)

Meet Lauren McFadyen, my new roommate. She likes to party.

 Love all my roommates! Including Nat and Nicole, who don't actually live with us but practically do. Sidenote: we want to make a "bed" room where we pile a bunch of mattresses and have sleepovers every night in our apartment and use the other rooms for studying and closet space and anything else we ever need.  Best idea ever, right?
The boys beat us to the bottom.

We love them. They love each other. Sometimes they love us too.

I love spending time at the Pitcher's.  We are planning The Second Annual Classy Christmas Party which will be held there in December. You guys will all love the Pitcher Manor as much as I do!