Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I'm bitter towards the snow

This morning, I decided to go out for a run. Since it was barely snowing as I left (we're talking hardly even noticeable kind of snowing) I figured I would be fine doing my usual 4.5 mile run up to the Provo temple and back.

Here is the problem: Every time I decide to run in the snow, no matter how light it is when I leave, it always decides to start blizzarding on me at my turnaround point. I think the weather finds watching me struggle in the snow quite comical, because, like I said, it always begins to REALLY SNOW when I am at the furthest distance from my apartment. No matter what I do, I will have to run the 2 miles back to my apartment. It's unavoidable. Since I ran 2 miles from my apartment, there are no shortcuts to get back.

This is what it looked like by the time I got back this morning:

I don't even think the picture really does it justice, but take my word for it.

Although this has happened to me countless times over the past two years that I've lived here in Provo, I just haven't seem to catch on yet. Perhaps this will be my last time deciding to run outdoors when there is even the slightest chance of snow, because with my luck, next time I will be even further away from home when it starts to blizzard.

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